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Mandalorian Voting closes Oct 15th!

Alright we’ve got some good responses let’s keep them coming and we’ll tally everything up and announce the winner on the 15th!

Mandalorian Voting closes Oct 15th!

Alright we’ve got some good responses let’s keep them coming and we’ll tally everything up and announce the winner on the 15th!

Entry From Kire Von Banhammer

A great looking custom Boba Fett and the rifle that that should have come with the original! We love the rifle! Artist: Kire Lestat MMF name: Kire von Banhammer Features...


Entry From Kire Von Banhammer

A great looking custom Boba Fett and the rifle that that should have come with the original! We love the rifle! Artist: Kire Lestat MMF name: Kire von Banhammer Features...


Entry from MattCanDraw

Check out this AWESOME custom! MattCanDraw says that both the jetpack and gun are 100% hand made out of plastic and are both removable from the figure. Great Attention to...

1 comment

Entry from MattCanDraw

Check out this AWESOME custom! MattCanDraw says that both the jetpack and gun are 100% hand made out of plastic and are both removable from the figure. Great Attention to...

1 comment

New Contest is... Make a Mandalorian!

Customize a Mandolorian! Create your favorite Mandalorian check out for details on who Mandalorians are and famous characters. All entries must be in by September 30th. Winner gets $50.00...


New Contest is... Make a Mandalorian!

Customize a Mandolorian! Create your favorite Mandalorian check out for details on who Mandalorians are and famous characters. All entries must be in by September 30th. Winner gets $50.00...


And the Winner is Hydra Agent!

Thanks Adam! We’ll be sending you an email with the details.

And the Winner is Hydra Agent!

Thanks Adam! We’ll be sending you an email with the details.

Hydra Agent by Adam G, Click to Comment

Adam used a G.I. Joe Duke Mugg to create it.


Hydra Agent by Adam G, Click to Comment

Adam used a G.I. Joe Duke Mugg to create it.